Dreaming of Bicycles

I’ve made the decision to buy a bicycle. I live in a city that is growing more and more cycle-friendly every day, and my commute could be significantly shortened by biking to and from work and friends. Plus, it seems utterly romantic to have a lovely pastel colored bike with a basket on the front and your groceries and fresh flowers in it. This venture may encourage me to change my wardrobe to include cyclist wear.  Here are a few dreamy photos that are keeping me bike-inspired.


farmers market ride

Golden bicycle.






look cute shopping for fresh flowers

basket full of flowers

the dream bike


I hope everyone had a fantastic Labor Day! Now, Come on Autumn and bicycling!





A Look at Love

The departure of the Amerigo Vespucci from Egypt 1963. Women saying goodbye to their loves through the ship’s port holes.



Via Retro Naut